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Viện Toán: Tạp chí truy cập từ Viện Toán học
TTTL: Tạp chí truy cập TTTTTL - Viện Hàn lâm KH & CN VN
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- Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (TTTL)
- Cambridge Journal of Mathematics (Viện Toán)
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (Viện Toán)
- Combinatorica (TTTL)
- Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (Viện Toán)
- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (Viện Toán)
- Communications in Analysis and Geometry (Viện Toán)
- Communications in Information and Systems (Viện Toán)
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (Viện Toán)
- Communications in Mathematical Analysis (Viện Toán)
- Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Viện Toán)
- Communications in Number Theory and Physics (Viện Toán)
- Compositio Mathematica (Viện Toán)
- Comptes Rendus Mathematique (TTTL)
- Computational Geometry (TTTL)
- Computational Optimization and Applications (TTTL)
- Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (TTTL)
- Computational Statistics (TTTL)
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1975-2008)
- Current Developments in Mathematics
- Cryptography and Communications (TTTL)