Journal of Mathematics 37:1 (2009) 43-48
The Normality of Cubic Cayley Graphs for Dihedral
Mehdi Alaeiyan, M.
Ghasemi, and G. R. Safakish
Abstract. A Cayley graph Γ = Cay(G,S) is
called normal for G, if GR, the right regular
representation of G, is a normal subgroup of the full automorphism
group Aut(Γ) of
Γ. In this paper we determine the normality of connected and
undirected Cayley graphs of valency three for dihedral groups.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C25, 20B25.
Keywords: Cayley graph, normal Cayley graph,
dihedral group, automorphism group.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & Vietnam Mathematical
by Springer since January 2013